73 Questions with Kiki
February 4th 2021
To all aspiring fashion students: Meet Vicki Lamontagne

Vicki Lamontagne started her post secondary studies studying dance, but ended up pursuing fashion marketing. After graduating she reoriented again in fashion design. Her biggest passion is surfing so she tends to seek inspiration from it when creating her garments.
When did you become interested in fashion?
I was always interested in fashion. Growing up I used to make all kinds of (uglyyyyy) designs in my notebook and spent all my savings on clothes hehe.
How would you describe your experience at LaSalle so far?
It is a great program, with great teachers, but private school are not as giving as other public schools. Every single thing you get you pay for, so if you plan of going there, make sure you are fully invested and committed like I was.
How would you compare your studies to a more conventional education model?
It’s great for people with the attention spam of a goldfish (like myself)! You end up having very little down time of theory and a lot of time working on your own personal project with the supervision of a teacher. Absolutely loved it.
Which designers do you admire the most and why:
Bode - the natural and craftsman side of it makes it super different and authentic.
Jil Sander - Seamless, neutral colours with a revolutionary twist. always.
Alyx - Techwear mixed with high fashion.
Can you give us a sneak peek of your work?
I love to make clothing that are as appealing for men as there are for women. Very often, I am inspired by the surfers from the 80s.
How would you describe your creative process and what do you most seek inspiration from?
I look at runways always then find a few key image (related or not to fashion) that guide me for a moodboard. Then , I always go back to this moodboard to update it or make sure I haven’t lost track.
Do you have any tips for sewing beginners?
Practice makes it perfect!!!! Some people are more talented then others naturally, but nobody was born a seamstress. Practiceeeeee and ask friends for helpful tips ;)
Speaking of which, do you have any tips for aspiring fashion designers?
You have to be super passionate if you are going to make it. It’s a a greedy world with not a lot of openings. You have to be ready to hustle for very little money at first. Out of my graduating class of about 100 people, less than 5 are still in the industry.
What is your take on the current state of fashion? (fast fashion, fads, sustainability etc)
Fast fashion is the devil , but it’s so difficult because as a designer this is where the money is at. So, it is quite hard trying to find a job that balances sustainability and still pays more than minimum wage. The average person says they want sustainability but then complains when a T-shirt sells for 70$. Unfortunately, that is the reality and the real cost if you want to pay everyone at a minimum wage… Food for thought.
How do you envision your future in the fashion sphere?
I would love to start brand and move to Costa Rica, so I can bring it with me and work with local people… but who knows!
Check Vicki out on insta! @vikini__